Vickers Wellington Mk.II bombardeiro - 1/72 CÓDIGO: REV 04903
  • Vickers Wellington Mk.II bombardeiro - 1/72 CÓDIGO: REV 04903

Vickers Wellington Mk.II bombardeiro - 1/72 CÓDIGO: REV 04903

Sku: 5B9ABCFC101E7

Categoria: Aero Militar PlastiPlastimodelismo

Quantidade Disponivel: 0 un

Produto Indisponível
Unidade: un

Por R$ 131,77

ou em 8x de R$ 17,62

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2xdeR$ 68,85 Total: R$ 137,70
3xdeR$ 45,90 Total: R$ 137,70
4xdeR$ 34,59 Total: R$ 138,36
5xdeR$ 27,67 Total: R$ 138,36
6xdeR$ 23,06 Total: R$ 138,36
7xdeR$ 20,14 Total: R$ 140,99
8xdeR$ 17,62 Total: R$ 140,99
1xdeR$ 131,77 Total: R$ 131,77
2xdeR$ 65,88 Total: R$ 131,77
3xdeR$ 43,92 Total: R$ 131,77
4xdeR$ 32,94 Total: R$ 131,77
5xdeR$ 26,35 Total: R$ 131,77
6xdeR$ 21,96 Total: R$ 131,77
7xdeR$ 18,82 Total: R$ 131,77
8xdeR$ 16,47 Total: R$ 131,77
9xdeR$ 14,64 Total: R$ 131,77
10xdeR$ 13,18 Total: R$ 131,77
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Vickers Wellington Mk.II bombardeiro - 1/72 CÓDIGO: REV 04903



Vickers Wellington Mk.II bombardeiro - 1/72

Escala: 1/72
Comprimento: 270 mm
Largura/envergadura: 364 mm
Número de peças: 151

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Sobre o original:
Popularly known by the nickname Wimpey , the Wellington was the most successful RAF twin-engine bomber of the Second World War. They bore the brunt of night missions, particularly during the initial phase of the war but due to increasing losses were replaced by the more powerful four-engined bombers from October 1943 onwards. More than 400 Wellington Mk.II bombers were fitted with the more powerful Merlin engine. A total of 21 Squadrons were equipped with the Wellington nearly 600 participated in the big raid on Cologne.



Faixa etária: 14 anos e acima