F-16 C Solo Türk - 1/72 - NOVIDADE! CÓDIGO: REV 04844
  • F-16 C Solo Türk - 1/72 - NOVIDADE! CÓDIGO: REV 04844

F-16 C Solo Türk - 1/72 - NOVIDADE! CÓDIGO: REV 04844

Sku: 5B9AC4B0A48E9

Categoria: Aero Militar PlastiPlastimodelismo

Quantidade Disponivel: 0 un

Produto Indisponível
Unidade: un

Por R$ 117,13

ou em 7x de R$ 17,90

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2xdeR$ 61,20 Total: R$ 122,40
3xdeR$ 40,80 Total: R$ 122,40
4xdeR$ 30,75 Total: R$ 122,99
5xdeR$ 24,60 Total: R$ 122,99
6xdeR$ 20,50 Total: R$ 122,99
7xdeR$ 17,90 Total: R$ 125,33
1xdeR$ 117,13 Total: R$ 117,13
2xdeR$ 58,56 Total: R$ 117,13
3xdeR$ 39,04 Total: R$ 117,13
4xdeR$ 29,28 Total: R$ 117,13
5xdeR$ 23,43 Total: R$ 117,13
6xdeR$ 19,52 Total: R$ 117,13
7xdeR$ 16,73 Total: R$ 117,13
8xdeR$ 14,64 Total: R$ 117,13
9xdeR$ 13,01 Total: R$ 117,13
10xdeR$ 11,71 Total: R$ 117,13
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F-16 C Solo Türk - 1/72 - NOVIDADE! CÓDIGO: REV 04844



Kit para montar - Lockheed Martin F-16 C Solo Türk - 1/72

Escala: 1/72
Comprimento: 213 mm
Largura/envergadura: 140 mm
Número de peças: 126

Requer cola e tinta

Opções de decalque:
- F-16C special livery Solo Turk

Sobre o original:
The F-16 is one of the most successful and versatile fighter aircraft in NATO and has wide variety of roles. Its sphere of operation has been continuously improved through constant modifications. The F-16C from Lot 50/52 is equipped with the powerful F110-G-229 engine (13,420 kp thrust) and has an electronic target acquisition system. The Turkish Air Force celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2011. For this event it commissioned a custom paint job for one of its F-16C. Famous pilots such as Major Murat Keles and Captain Faith Batmaz flew the Solo Türk F-16C at numerous air-shows.



Faixa etária: 14 anos e acima